What We Believe
One Elohim
We believe that there is one Elohim (GOD). He has identified Himself to humankind as The Creator. He has revealed Himself in a human body as Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, and we believe in the divinity of Yeshua. We believe in The Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) of Elohim, the 5-fold ministries of the Ruach and the gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh.
Hear, O Israel. YEHOVAH is our Elohim, YEHOVAH is one.

The Scriptures
The Bible (Scriptures) is the Word of Elohim. It is perfect as it was given, even if/as human errors in translation and interpretation are identified. The Torah (first 5 books of the Tanak/ Old Testament) is foundational, and key to understanding the Scriptures. We must seek to understand the Scriptures from a perspective based on the Hebrew language, culture and context. The Scriptures give us direct instruction to live a holy lifestyle, pleasing to Elohim. Believers are to obey every instruction of Elohim that applies to us; The Torah is light for all people who are willing to walk in the light.
The Covenants
Elohim made irrevocable covenants with humankind. We believe that each one remains in force to this day. Through faith in the promised consolation of Israel (Yeshua of Nazareth), people who were not born Hebrew can be graffed into the covenants made with Abraham (and confirmed to Isaac and Jacob), as well as the covenants with Israel (Mosaic Covenant and Renewed Covenant). We believe that being graffed in conveys the blessings promised to native-born Hebrews. Because the covenants of Elohim are irrevocable, we reject the doctrines of replacement theology; native-born and non-native-born believers are equal before Elohim, in this life and the life to come.

The Calendar
In Leviticus 23, Elohim outlined His set-apart times. We believe that it is critical for believers in The Elohim of Israel to live by His calendar, acknowledging each of His set apart times.
The Nature of Humankind
Human beings were made by Elohim, in the image of Elohim. Since the fall, humankind has been born into a sinful state, separated from fellowship with Elohim. The Bible records an incident between Adam, Chava (Eve) and the serpent that led to a break in humankind’s relationship with Elohim. To restore fellowship with Elohim, all people must receive Elohim’s salvation through faith in Yeshua, the promised consolation of Israel. We believe that following The Torah (Elohim’s instructions) is essential for a holy lifestyle; it is not a way to earn Elohim’s salvation.

What is Messianic?
The primary characteristic of our Messianic Assembly is Yeshua HaMoshiach (The Messiah). He is at the center of all we do.
“… found in union with Him, not having any righteousness of my own based on legalism, but having that righteousness which comes through the Messiah’s faithfulness, the righteousness from Elohim based on faith (trust). Yes, I gave it all up in order to know Him, that is, to know the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings as I am being conformed to His death, so that somehow I might arrive at being resurrected from the dead. It is not that I have already obtained it or already reached the goal – no, I keep pursuing it in the hope of taking hold of that for which the Messiah Yeshua took hold of me.
Philippians 3:9-12

Some other characteristics of our Messianic Assembly are…
Learn more about the Messianic faith here.
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We seek to understand scripture in the context of Hebrew language, culture and history. We also embrace our Hebraic culture and identity from scripture (whether natural born or grafted in). It is common to hear us refer to people using the Hebrew names given in scripture. We do this because the Hebrew names convey significant meaning that is lost in transliterations.
We believe that the Tanak (Torah, Nevi’im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings), also called The Old Testament) are more than allegory and examples. These scriptures contain and convey the very heart and mind of our Creator. While every commandment does not apply directly to every believer (e.g., some are for Priests; some are for specific circumstances; some require a temple, etc.), we are determined to obey His instructions to the extent that we are able.
Our society has many traditions. Some of them are based on beliefs and practices that The Scriptures condemn. When we identify these traditions, we elect to not participate in them. We recognize that we are not in a position to condemn others who participate; we also recognize our right and personal responsibility to learn about these traditions, and to choose what we participate in.
Vayikra (Leviticus) Chapter 23 lists times that are special to YEHOVAH. Many people believe that these are Jewish observances; however, in verse 2, The Creator identifies them as His feasts, “holy convocations.” Because He designated these times as holy (as only He can), we enthusiastically agree with Him. Because our Elohim identified them as “His feasts” and we identify with Him, we observe these times to the best of our ability.
In Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, Rabbi Shaul (the Apostle Paul) describes supernatural giftings, given to the Body of Messiah. These gifts are intended to build up the body of believers in Messiah Yeshua. We honor The Ruach, and we acknowledge our need for these gifts to operate in our Assembly, as scripture outlines. We believe that we are living in the Last Days, as identified by Scripture. More than ever, we need (and value) the ministry of the Ruach HaKodesh, and the gifts in operation as He directs.
We believe that we are individually responsible to apply the Word of Elohim to our lives. As we learn His ways, we strive to live in alignment with His ways. We are doers of His Word, not just hearers only. In our Assembly, we support each other in living disciplined, holy lives. We strive to let our lights shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven.